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The happi philosophy

Happiness does not rely on your outer circumstances. Happiness is a reflection of how peaceful your mind is. If you have a happy mind, you will have a happy life, whatever situation you find yourself in.

4 pillars of the happi philosophy

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You can choose

Every event that happens in life is a chance to choose how you want things to unfold from here. The default is to react through the ego filter. However, with a bit of awareness and experience, you’re able to start to choose to see all events and relationships through the eyes of love. This is the key to your ultimate awakening.

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The mind is everything

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. The deep subconscious beliefs we hold shape our experience and determine what we will feel. The world is a projection of the mind. As within, so without. By working on the mind, you can remove the blocks that are standing in the way of love and peace – our natural state.

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Life is symbolic

Life is one big symbolic dance. Events happen which trigger unconscious feelings to arise for a deep purpose – to give us an opportunity to forgive them and let them go once and for all. Every feeling that’s triggered is coming into our awareness so we can choose to release it for good.

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Don’t believe all your thoughts

Thoughts that bring you down aren’t necessarily true. Negative thoughts are ideas that have arisen from the ego’s filter. You can identify ego thoughts by their negative tone. Ego thoughts are sourced from an overarching fear that never actually happened. And this is the root cause of all suffering.