This months fresh set of Happi Tips comes from Krista Jane, aka KJ, a playful, fired-up coach dedicated to helping you find your passion & purpose. KJ has experienced life to the full, having climbed mountains in Nepal, choreographed Olympic dance shows and studied with Swarmis in India! She is one lady you can definitely trust with helping you find your passion and purpose in life…
Welcome to The Happi Empire, KJ! Whilst here in The Happi Empire, know that your dreams are already coming true, you are loved for just being you and you are just where you are meant to be!
Q1. What are your top 3 tips for maintaining a happi mind?
1 & 2: Bring your attention to what you want instead of what you don’t want and to appreciation of all you have rather than what you don’t have. You’ll feel way more full NOW instead of waiting for the future all the time!
3:Surround yourself with happi, positive, inspired people who are fired up about life, it’s like chicken pox after a while you’ll start to catch it
Q2. How do you integrate these happy tips into your daily life?
I personally love to set conscious intentions and list my grateful’s daily. Keep it simple like ‘today I intend to laugh more than I can imagine I am going to’, especially great if you are not doing something you are excited about. Gratefuls are epic for flipping the switch when you are in a stinky mood. List them off starting simple like ‘I’m grateful I have EYEBALLS… and they work’
Q3. What advice can you offer citizens that are going through tough times?
Remember the proverb ‘this too shall pass’. Tough times happen to everyone, even the happiest of people. Allow yourself to feel the depth of emotion so the energy can actually move out of your body. Then shift the focus back to appreciating what is great in your life… The mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and imagined so focus on good stuff happening and it will produce more yummy feelings. Lastly know that you are never alone, we are all connected so even when you think it’s just you out there in a black hole know that love is still within you and the rest of the planet is still with you!
Q4. And finally, what dream are you creating this year for your beautiful self?
This year I’m launching some really fun stuff in my business, I’m so passionate about lighting a match for people to live fired up passionate lives. We’ve got some funshops, weekend retreats at secret locations and inspired group programs to get people livin their dreams. I can’t say too much but it’s VERY exciting. Keep your eyes peeled on our website for the re-launch ( we’ll be giving away some free fun stuff… or you can check us out on Facebook for a daily dose of inspiration and butt kicking.
Krista Jane Smith, aka KJ, spends her days inspiring, kicking butt and (gently) pushing people into lives of passion and purpose. KJ is highly intuitive and has got a sneaky little way of highlighting your limiting beliefs and shifting them. KJ co-founded ‘The Power of You’ fundraisers and runs her own global retreats: ‘Open Your Heart’, ‘Boom Boom Pow’ and ‘Spiritual India.’ And if that hasn’t blown you away so far, she also offers one-on-one, change-your-life power hours called ‘Soul Sessions.’ These are 60 minutes devoted to intuition, inspiration and expanding to fill your powerful potential!
Check out KJs work at and get daily inspiration
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