Happi Tips this month are coming from an amazing lady who is truly living her passion – the fabulous Dana MrKich. Dana is a highly accurate energy intuitive, offering down-to-earth soul sessions that shine a higher light on our personal challenges in life. The wisdom Dana brings through facilitates learning & growth for our highest good, and has certainly brought some shiny revelations my way in the past! There’s a cheeky little bonus offer at the bottom of this post if you’d like some Dana-insight too 😀
Welcome to The Happi Empire, Dana! Whilst here in The Happi Empire, know that your dreams are already coming true, you are loved for just being you and you are just where you are meant to be
Q1. What are your top 3 tips for maintaining a happi mind?
- Feel gratitude for everything in your life and appreciate the simple things
- Nourish yourself with a life that is balanced
- Own your emotions…and yours only
How do you integrate these happy tips into your daily life?
Gratitude and Appreciation: At some point every morning, usually during my post-workout stretches when I’m quiet, still and relaxed, I mentally go through everything in my life and say thank you. I include all the main areas of my life: my partner, our gorgeous 6 month little boy, our health, good family and friends, a cozy home, work I love etc, and also include gratitude for all the four elements that sustain life: fire and the sun to warm us, water to drink and cool down in, the earth that provides for us and air to breathe, also giving us a wonderful breeze. Every evening when we sit down for dinner, we give thanks to every being and everything that made it possible for that meal to be with us, and each night we say a prayer of thanks for everything that the day has contained.
Having travelled a lot, many times to places where people are really doing it tough, I consciously appreciate the little, yet very big, simple things every day like a hot shower, a healthy, able body, fresh, delicious food and the freedom to go for a walk in beautiful weather. Having our little boy has amplified our happiness and appreciation for simple things even more. I find myself smiling and laughing constantly all day as he learns new things. Seeing him discover the world around him makes me see things through new eyes too. I love that everything gets put into perspective and right priority when you not only have children, but just spend time with any child. They are truly magical beings.
I also give thanks for all those things we would love in our life, even when they haven’t arrived yet. We started giving thanks for our children for a couple of years before Jax finally came!
Balance: Having a good balance in my life of things that make my soul happy is such an important part of maintaining a happy mind. I know I don’t have that balance when I start to feel moody and irritable, or feel resentment building. I used to work a lot, and feel like I was wasting time if I wasn’t working (“there’s a whole humanity to help shift , who has time to lie on a beach” was along the lines of how I used to think..cringe cringe!) I had to actually teach myself to just go sit outside on a rug or go to lunch with a friend on a workday without feeling I should be hooked up to the laptop. It’s taken me a long time to achieve a right balance, where I not only have a good mix of work and play, but most importantly I’m totally enjoying whatever I’m doing when I’m doing it. How many of us feel like we should be working when we’re playing, and feel like we’re missing out on playing when we’re working? Know that all the different parts of your life are just as important as each other, and that they are as integral to each other as different parts of a car.
Having a baby has really helped me create a balanced schedule because I quickly realised that without being super organised, there was no way balance was going to happen, and we know where that leads – unhappy city! I work out every morning while Jaxon is having a nap or while his dad hasn’t gone to work yet, because I know that if I feel good physically, if I feel fit, healthy and strong, I’ll feel good in every other way and have plenty of energy for the rest of my day. I’m with Jax during the day doing what mums do and that gives me a lot of joy. We fit in catch ups with family and friends whenever we can. I do my writing and work at night when Jax is asleep. I feel like finally everything is in its proper place. My motto is you can do it all, you just can’t do it all at the exact same time! I’ve learned to be okay with the fact that a to do list that used to take a day or week, might now take a month or years!!
Own your emotions…and yours only: Something that creates so much unnecessary stress is when we get frustrated by the way others are acting, feel pressured by their expectations, feel judged by their opinions, and try to change them so that we can feel better. This never works! A major key to a happy state of mind is do what makes you feel good, and allow others to do whatever they are doing even if you think it can’t possibly be making them feel good. The truth is, we can’t possibly know what someone needs to experience on their lifepath for their particular soul growth, and likewise no-one but us knows what we need.
It’s easier said than done at times, but more and more I’ve learned to not get plugged into other people’s emotional dramas. Where before I maybe would have jumped in to try to ‘help’, when you see someone repeating a certain story over and over again it becomes apparent that your ‘help’ is not helping, and conversely is draining you! When people are consistently acting in a way that would have once upset me, I now let it wash by and choose not to be around them. We can’t control other people, but we can definitely control how we choose to react and respond to them. We are such emotional beings, so we think being emotionally triggered is out of our control. Realising that we can be more at the reins than we think in terms of our emotions is so empowering and liberating.
What advice can you offer citizens that are going through tough times?
Something that has always helped me is asking myself: What is the lesson in this? What is the gift in this? What is my soul/this pattern/this experience trying to teach me? Everything in our life is there because we created it. Life does not happen to us, we create it all. If you aren’t creating it consciously, you are creating it subconsciously, and our most challenging experiences are actually gifts trying to bring that which is in our subconscious, trying to bring the contents of our energy fields, to our attention so that if we don’t like something we can change it.
If you want to know what is operating in your energy fields, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, take a look at your life. If something is in your life that you don’t want, or something is not in your life that you do want, there must be a corresponding energetic influence within you creating that because everything on the physical plane originated on the energetic planes first. This doesn’t always mean we have what people refer to as a ‘block’ – a disempowering belief for example. Sometimes in our energy excavating we discover that the single life we so fight against is there for now because our soul really wanted us to fully experience independence before we met our life partner. If you are ready to shift a pattern like that, you want to first have a chat to that pattern to ask it if it has taught you all it had to teach you, otherwise it will sabotage your efforts to change. Journalling is a great way of doing this.
And finally, what dream are you creating this year for your beautiful self?
Last year a lot of wonderful dreams came into reality including the birth of our little boy. This year one of my dreams which is constantly in the process of unfolding every day, is to simply be enjoying all that life has gifted us with, things that I have had on my vision boards for years. Although I am very much a project-aholic, this year has a real ‘stop and smell the roses’ feel to it. Sometimes we can get so caught up in what next there is to manifest, and forget to enjoy all the beauty and bounty that we have manifested so far.
Dana Mrkich – Energy Intuitive, Writer, Teacher and Author of A New Chapter: Dana’s life focus has been to empower people to remember who they really are so that together we can create the best possible reality for ourselves and the planet. Dana offers Soul Sessions to clients all around the world, is the creator of E-Course Create a Life you Love and has contributed to numerous publications, with her popular Monthly Visions featured on Spirit Library. Dana holds regular talks and workshops, and was a panellist at the World Peace Congress in Italy.
[highlight]Special Offer for Happi Citizens: Book a Soul Session with Dana, mention The Happi Empire, and receive a free Guide to the 7 Chakras. Valid through May 2012.[/highlight]
Dana’s next event ‘Shift Happens’ is on Fri 20 July in Sydney. Join us for this fun and insightful evening seminar answering your questions about these changing times, co-hosted with Channel Lee Harris coming all the way from the UK!
For info about Dana’s Seminar, Soul Sessions & eCourses, email [email protected] , visit www.danamrkich.com and stay connected www.facebook.com/danamrkichnews
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