This Happi Card is reminding you to spend some quiet time alone with your thoughts & feelings.
Our world is so busy & vibrant, with influences coming at us from all angles – from advertising, work colleagues, family & friends. It’s hard to know where that all stops, and where you begin. But it’s essential to take some time to become aware of what you feel, what you want & how you want to feel.
Take 5 mins out this weekend (or now, if you might forget later) & consider these simple quessies for your wellbeing:
How am I feeling, really?
How am I feeling about prominent situations in my life right now?
What do I most want in my life right now?
How do I want to feel?
Are there any small changes I can make now, with my thoughts or actions, to bring me closer to aligning with how I want to feel?
Make a mental note of how you feel after having a ‘you’ session. Store this memory in a mind pocket and intend to remember to have more ‘you’ sessions so you feel more in touch with yourself & where you’re heading.
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