Sacred abundance symbol
The Happy Movie (happy with a ‘y’!)

The Happy movie is out now & is pretty darn awesome. There’s lots of books about happiness, but this is the first professional & brilliant documentary style movie about it. It stopped me in my tracks and snapped me out of my current life mode. It made me want to be even MORE conscious about creating a happy life, and gives you some fantastic ways to go about it. Love love love! It’s not a mainstream movie, but go to the website & see when there’s one near you 🙂 Here’s the trailer:

Frances Verbeek, founder of The Happi Empire
Hello lovely soul, I’m Fran!

Founder, designer & mentor

As a spiritual student, I started The Happi Empire to help others find happiness and fulfilment in their lives. I design creative tools to help you process life and align with the light.


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