Forgivenss, letting it go, F**k it, release it. All the same thing.
Religion has tainted the word ‘forgiveness’, so let’s re-brand it and start using it, cuz seriously guys, it’s the one tool that instantly shifts rubbish holding you back.
It’s not about condoning behaviour, it’s not about letting people get away with ‘bad stuff’. It’s actually all about YOU. It’s kinda selfish! But not really, because you’re doing it to return to a state of love, peace, a life of careless fun & freedom.
When you say F**k it to something, you let it go & it no longer has that terrible hold on you. Hate departs. Anger disolves. You can be the beautiful peace loving soul you really are.
Let the past go. Below are some great resources to help this new habit grow. I’m passionate about practical tools… information on it’s own is nice, but let’s really bring about some change here.
Do it for you. Do it for Love <3
The F**k It Way –– this is what inspired this blog post. I’m big into modern forgiveness, which I call Radical Forgiveness (thanks to Colin Tipping, below) and this guy has taken it to another level… cool, calm & a little bit naughty, just how we like it 😀
Colin Tipping – – I first learnt about this modern type of forgiveness from Colin Tipping’s book Radical Forgiveness. It has a worksheet at the back which breaks down the process & has brought many many ‘miracles’ about from ‘forgiving’ situations which got me crazy angry!
Gary Renard – – A great teacher of spiritual forgiveness manual ‘A Course In Miracles’, his teachings are down to earth, funny, understandable & ground breaking. Read ‘The Disappearance of the Universe‘.
Louise Hay – – Beautiful Ms Hay, leading teacher on Self-Love & forgiveness. She makes this info simple & practical, with workbooks & card decks.