I got some amazing watercolours for my birft this year, from my beloved fiance Will.i.am (not the popstar, I have my very own Will.i.am! ). This has thrust a newfound creativity upon me that has seen me get up every morning this week and paint before work!
So today, I present to you the fruits of my mornings labour, coupled with nice inspirational quote by wonderful Maya Angelou, who transited into the sparkling spirit world this week.
Maya was an absolute inspiration.
“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song”
// Maya Angelou
What is your song? Are you expressing it? Not because the world needs an answer from you and not because you can make money doing it.
But because your unique light is here to be shared, to expand the breadth and depth of the universe and to help others shine their light.
God bless people like Maya Angelou who pave the way for us to shine our lights 🙂
Please feel free to share with your friends who need to shine their light too! <3