This injection of Happi Tips comes with a lick of humour, lightness and grounded brilliance! Jo Blayney is a compassionate healer in a number of modalities. Spending a few minutes in Jo’s presence lifts you up, reminds you who you really are and probably will make you giggle too! Jo runs her practice on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and has some exciting offers for lucky locals at the end of her very-jo article 😀
Welcome to The Happi Empire, Jojo! Whilst here in The Happi Empire, know that your dreams are already coming true, you are loved for just being you and you are just where you are meant to be!
Q1. What are your top 3 tips for maintaining a happi mind?
Maintaining a happi mind can sometimes be a little like roller skating… sometimes it can get a little wobbly and you may even fall on your toosh from time to time but we get up, dust ourselves off and keep on rolling. Skating is fun – the whole experience, the ups and the downs. Once we practise our skating, building up our skills and our muscles well we don’t seem to fall anywhere near as much. Relating this to maintaining a happi mind…well…
#1 experience the ups and the downs, it’s all part of our life experience. what are we learning from it? Look for the light bulb moments and celebrate them!
#2 build our happi muscles. What does this mean? Well decide to be happi and see the joy, beauty, love, simplicity, and downright jocularity all around us. It’s there every day…take the time to see it, feel it, touch it, taste it. This really is about being in the NOW. We’re not thinking 100 miles an hour which takes us to the future, we’re not in an old soap opera which takes us back to the past…we’re right here, right NOW! We know this is where we create so powerfully from so it only stands to reason that the more we affirm these joyful, loving, happi experiences the more of them we create!
#3 take responsibility for our own happiness and let others do the same. Blaming others for the lack of our happiness is just a copout, an excuse not to be happi. Is there a question there…What’s stopping you form being happi? Happiness really requires nothing so checkout what your relationship is to happiness.
How can you integrate these Happi Tips into daily life?
While happiness is part of our natural state, we are feeling beings whose minds like to think they are running the show! So in a nut shell, what is your mind telling you and what are you creating from that? See the light bulb go on? What rubbish did you try to pass off as the truth? Cheeky, tricksy mind! Notice it but don’t buy into untruths.
Every moment there is a magical, amazing, loving energy surrounding us. Take time to experience this each day…the breeze through your hair, the sun on your face, the sounds around you….everything in that moment, stop and experience it. Allow that positive charge fill you. Yum!
Get real with your happiness. I’m not saying whitewash over and paint on a smile, far from it, but you are the creator of your life experience so choose happiness! Have your Happi tools…happi music, happi smells, happi places, happi activities, Happi books, happi artwork, happi clothes, happi food, Happi…..well you get what I mean. Surround yourself with happi!
Can you offer some advice for happi citizens going through tough times?
I find that learning, love and happiness are part of all my relationships. With some of our relationships there may be more learning, with some there may be more love, and with other’s there may be more happiness but these elements are always present. The tip here is to ask ourselves `how can I give and receive learning, love and happiness daily’. Well the best teacher leads by example so….
Write down daily what we have learnt and see what truth there is there. Feel into this truth and allow this truth to form part of your being. Live this truth; you become the teacher through your being. It sounds tricky but once the truth is felt deep in our heart it cannot be ‘unremembered’. Show your love for yourself and others each day…this can be as simple as eating something nutritious, putting on moisturiser or taking a long bath and for others making them a cup of tea, playing a game or simply listening. Share a funny moment you experienced or a joke, movie etc with others…they may serve one right back at ya!
For those extra tricky times, breath, get out into nature, chat with a positive friend (not someone who is going to dramatize the issue)or a caring therapist to whom you can get real with your feelings and remember nothing ever stays the same…tomorrow is a new day… Love and blessings await you.
And finally, what dream are you creating this year for your beautiful self?
Dreams…well one dream has happened, one is happing and I’m sure the other is on its way! My beautiful website has been created YAY!, I am following spirit by saying YES to hosting an amazing gathering at the end of September and the biggy, well let me just say that it’s living a sustainable life, at one with all and sharing this with others….heaven on earth…mmmm.
The founder of Inner Circle of Light, Jo, is a compassionate healer with over ten years of professional experience. Jo draws from a number of modalities including Massage, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Aromatherapy, Bushflower Essences, Meditation, Intuitive Reading and Oneness Blessing to tailor individual sessions, group workshops and gatherings. Jo also loves to express her creative side and produces unique hand- dyed energetically imbued Artwork, Bedding and Clothing. The inner most teaching Jo cultivates is ‘if we are to have heaven on earth, then we must create it within ourselves first’.
[highlight]DEALIO: For the first 10 people to book a session with Jo, you will receive a free ‘I Am Joy’ spray, valued at $15 available from Inner Circle of Light. Just quote ‘The Happi Empire’ when booking.[/highlight]
Gathering in Sydney
Jo is hosting an amazing Sacred Ceremony at the end of September, which will include a range of heart centred activities, including a medicine wheel & kundalini lantern ceremony at sunset, conscious music, light dinner, chai & dessert. The gathering will take place in Narrabeen on September 29th, tickets are available online. Read more about this awesome event at The Inner Circle of Light. See you there!
[highlight]DEALIO: For the first 10 people that book a ticket to The Serpent of Light gathering, you will receive a free ‘I Am Love’ spray, valued at $15 available from Inner Circle of Light. Just buy your ticket then send a message to Jo here, quoting ‘The Happi Empire’.[/highlight]
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