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Happi Tips by Cimone-Louise, the love intuitive!
Merv, Deva and Cimone-Louise


Continuing our monthly tradition, one of our glorious Happi Citizens is about to share with us their tips & techniques for maintaining a happi mind. This month, my friend and mentor, Cimone-Louise Fung, shares her experiences.


A huge welcome to The Happi Empire, Cimone-Louise! Whilst here in The Happi Empire, know that your dreams are already coming true, you are loved for just being you and you are just where you are meant to be 🙂

Q1. What are your top 3 tips for maintaining a happi mind?

  1. Gratitude – I love starting the day writing in my gratitude journal as I feel this sets the tone and allows a natural flow to be created. I start with “I am so happy and grateful for be-ing alive…”. Then I list another 4 things that I am in full appreciation of in the present moment. The next 5 affirmations I start with “Wouldn’t it be nice if ….”, which is a future projection and a gentle request to Universe. This takes out all the needing, wanting, demanding and complaining out of the equation.
  2. Positive affirmations – We think up to 120,000 thought processes a day and most of them are negative and recycled from yesterday. So I am constantly saying affirmations in all of my daily activities and blessing and sending love forward. One of my favourite ones of Louise L. Hay is “I am safe”. Sometimes the inner child freaks out, rebels or resists certain people or avoids certain situations. So when you say that 3 times in your head and close your eyes and take a few deep breathes in, you can often come back to your centre and feel soothed. By saying affirmations, the adult is the one that looks after the child lovingly.
  3. Meditation & Silence – The purpose of stillness and meditation is to come inward and to decrease the inner chatter and bombardment of technology. The gift is to listen to yourself by observing the way you think and to ask yourself ”How can I be in this divine moment?”. The “job” is to BE and DO nothing, feel the feeling and then let it go. This inward reflection allows us to achieve a greater clarity of mind, creative flow and spiritual solutions to any “problems” that may have arisen. The answers are all inside if we take the time hear what our Angels are offering. Practice one minute meditations throughout the day to give back to you. Here is a helpful download for your computer or ipod shuffle one minute meditation.

Q2. How do you integrate these happy tips into your daily life?

Rituals  – Remember to Remember is the key.

“How you start your day is how you live your day and how you live your day is the way you live your life.” – Louise L .Hay

Where ever I am, house-sitting or travelling, I have found it very important to prioritise my spiritual routines. I begin with the three above in question one and also read  20 minutes of something inspiring and uplifting for the soul to churn. By adopting these happy, healthy habits it ensures that morning is smooth and positive. When I have chosen to neglect this practice, I have felt my body heavy and I have felt like I have to make something happen. Whereas if I spend time with my Higher Self, I am always rewarded with a flowing day filled with many bliss-full moments, new opportunities and a deep sense of gratitude. Now I am completely sold in my morning ritual that I would never want to resist loving me. You get to hang out with YOU all day, it might as well BE a happy one!

I also program my phone and computer with reminders to have one minute of silence on the hour. I also have key friends that we mentor each other with our health and writing in 21-day periods as research has shown that the neural pathways can change and new habits can be formed by this practice.

Q3. What advice can you offer citizens that are going through tough times?

I have always loved the quote “This too will pass” as it is a great reminder not to sit in negativity and self-doubt. Practise letting everything flow through you within 90 second increments. Be-ing unhappy for one hour, one day or even for a week is far too long. Awareness is the key.

Breathe – we hold our breathe in times of stress and fear. When you are stable and calm… answers will come.

The past is to remind you how far you have come –  if you pine about the past it will all be ego-related “stuff”. Future worrying about something or waiting for something to happen is the ego telling you that there is lack in the now. If there are feelings of lack in the now, that is exactly what will greet you in the present.

Do a regular “Burn-out” list that will cleanse the inner mind and empty it. Say goodbye to what is holding you back, what makes you tired, addictions and lastly what are you finding hard on a piece of paper and then intently throw it away. Complete the process by filling back up and writing 5-10 things you are grateful for and also take a short walk to balance your energies.

Q4. And finally, what dream are you creating this year for your beautiful self?

I have recently made a switch to ultimately care-take for my soul by shedding 40kgs which feels like a complete re-birth as I approach my 40th birthday. What I am really saying goodbye to is the drama and “story” of my past that I have allowed to control me. I am willing to forgive myself for the choices I have made and be kinder to myself.

The gift is to go in August and chill in Hawaii with my beautiful partner. The pull to my “homeland” is very strong and I am excited to take this adventure. Whatever is meant to be revealed will be revealed. I am also in the process of writing two books which I will loving dedicate time, energy and compassion to each day.

Thank you for sharing your tips with us Cimone-Louise! <3


Cimone-Louise is a full-time Clairvoyant & Intuitive Mentor who uses her psychic gifts to provide others with the tools to discover personal purpose, peace of mind, well-being and balance. She has further enhanced her natural abilities through the Louise L. Hay “Heal Your Life” Teacher Trainer course (derived from the book You Can Heal Your Life) and has learned from one of Australia’s best psychic mediums, Ezio De Angelis, who regards her as an “incredibly talented healer and teacher.”

Connect with Cimone-Louise via and Cimone-Louise’s Facebook Page.

A note from Fran: I have known Cimone-Louise for about 6 years and have been blessed to be part of her workshops and mentoring sessions. When attending a Cimone-Louise workshop, the air is filled with a peace and authenticity that is rare to find in our busy world. I highly recommend all of Cimone-Louises offerings and can’t WAIT until her book is out. I just KNOW it’s going to be BIG! 🙂

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Frances Verbeek, founder of The Happi Empire
Hello lovely soul, I’m Fran!

Founder, designer & mentor

As a spiritual student, I started The Happi Empire to help others find happiness and fulfilment in their lives. I design creative tools to help you process life and align with the light.


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