Passionate Goals
As you may be able to tell, I’m ridiculously passionate about my business, The Happi Empire. I have big visions, dreams and goals for the Empire, I let my mind run wild and put no limits on the ideas & fantasise about the amazing scenarios that could come from them! But, this is a world of duality that we live in, so coupled with this big-thinking aspect of my mind is the fear/disbelief that they can actually come true: enter The Ego!
3 Voices to choose from
I once attended an ‘Introduction to NLP’ weekend, and one of the things I learnt whilst there, was that there are 3 voices/personalities in our head – the dreamer/thinker, the sabotager and the observer. In my situation above, my dreamer comes up with my beautiful goals, my sabotager steps in and tells me it’s not possible cuz of this/that/the other. But then there’s the observer, that says ‘franny, which one do you want to believe? which one are you going to support and roll with? and when you decide, how are you going to do it?’.
Listen to Your Observer
The lovely observer part of me, which i consider to be oneness/spirit, has reminded me that I am the one that creates my life. I can choose which way I want to go. I could follow my sabotager (which isn’t even a word in the spellcheck but you know what I’m talking about!), I could easily believe that the dreams aren’t possible because of 1 million viable excuses that are ALL TRUE right now. But is that what The Happi Empire is about? Can I really choose to not follow my dreams because they aren’t apparantly possible? No!
My Amazing Life Coach
This is the point that I hired Julie from Beautiful You Coaching. I needed my butt kicked. It’s been too long in the making, the dream hasn’t gone away, it’s time to make some changes, and I can’t do it with this mindset. Julie has insured I have a very busy year ahead of me, and I can already feel that something has changed inside of me since coaching started. Life coaching is Life changing!
Do you need your butt kicked?
Perhaps it’s not a life coach that you need, but a business mentor, swimming instructor or art teacher. Whatever area of life you need your butt kicked in, to realise your dreams, no matter what size they are, make a commitment to yourself this year and get someone to be accountable to!
Here are some links of people that are awesome in the coaching field. If it’s a different field you’re interested in, get googling! Good luck and stay focused, you deserve your dream life 🙂
Julie – Beautiful You
It’s Julie’s vocation (and sacred mission) to help you learn to respect and adore your body, your gifts, and your intrinsic power — by challenging the limiting beliefs and life patterns that silence your song.
Krista Jane – Empowering You
Soul Sessions with Krista empower you to get your life back on track, fast! Focusing on personal growth, they are interactive and provide insight, clarity, direction and action. Information is delivered in a positive, compassionate and empowering way.
Juliet Martine – The Manifestation Process
Juliet Martine is a professional Energy Healer, Soul Intuitive & Manifestation Coach. She helps people all over the world clear their health and life issues, connect with their soul and life purpose, and learn how to master The Manifestation Process™ so that they can bring their dreams into their physical reality with ease and joy! Juliet also provides Mentoring for those wanting to move forward more easily to fulfill their greater potential and success in their professional field.
Anthony Robbins
Perhaps a personal session with Tony is thousands of $, but CDs, DVDs, live seminars and free videos on his website are pretty transforming. It is Tony’s belief that what you’re committed to and what you measure consistently, you will achieve. The Anthony Robbins Coaching program empowers you with the focus, training and accountability you need to achieve the consistent results you demand in the most important areas of your life.
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