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How to get Love to direct your thoughts
Ask Love to direct your thoughts

Your mind is way more powerful than the daily tasks we give it.

You can choose to consciously give Love permission to direct your thoughts in every situation today. Subtly, the higher power of which we’re all connected to, will influence your day.

Love will power up all your decisions & perspectives. Your day will look quite different from how it could have been. Think:

  • Arguments avoided
  • Road rage halted
  • Anxiety soothed
  • Perspectives shifted

How to give Love (God / Spirit / Source / Universe) permission to direct your thoughts

All our experiences are sourced from the mind. We are reviewing this life movie through our minds. Think of the mind as a projector. If you want to tweak the movie, you can’t do it on screen, you’ve got to head straight to the source. In this case, the projector of the movie is our mind.

So, in your mind, a quick chat with Love is all that’s needed:

“Hey Love, please direct my thoughts today, so I can radiate out oneness, spread light & undo the ego. Thanks!”


Frances Verbeek, founder of The Happi Empire
Hello lovely soul, I’m Fran!

Founder, designer & mentor

As a spiritual student, I started The Happi Empire to help others find happiness and fulfilment in their lives. I design creative tools to help you process life and align with the light.


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