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Overcoming difficult people inspired by A Course In Miracles
Overcoming difficult people

Do you know any difficult people? 😬 Most of us have one or two in our lives, some of us have a whole bunch!

The beautiful & practical mind training philosophy from A Course In Miracles teaches you how to see, or un-see, challenging people in your life. In this meditation, we shift our perception and find freedom from suffering by changing how we view upsetting individuals using our spiritual sight.


Frances Verbeek, founder of The Happi Empire
Hello lovely soul, I’m Fran!

Founder, designer & mentor

As a spiritual student, I started The Happi Empire to help others find happiness and fulfilment in their lives. I design creative tools to help you process life and align with the light.


Need guidance to nuture a lighter mind? Join The Happi Empire.