Sacred abundance symbol
Self Care Declaration: One month of Me-Time
Self Care Declaration

Every year at The Happi Empire, February is dedicated to self love. This is the most important form of love, because when you accept, love and celebrate yourself, everything else in life flows! It’s the key!

This kind of thinking isn’t wide-spread, so you might feel that self care is a luxury and always gets put to the bottom of the to-do list. Or maybe that it’s even selfish and you mustn’t talk about it with people.

Today is different. Today I’m going to ask you to commit to yourself this month.

How could your life be different if you put yourself first? If you did things that make you happy and filled your soul tank daily? If you felt loved, valued, cherished and empowered? This is what practicing self love brings you!

Self Care Declaration

Self Care declaration:

If you click the declaration above, it will open a printable PDF in a new window, so it’s easy for you to print off, fill in and keep somewhere to remind you of your focus this month. Having this reminder will anchor your focus through the month. 🙂

So let’s start: What do you need today and how can you give yourself it?

Self Care tools

Self Care Gift Box - Self Care PlaybookFor extra guidance and support with your self care practice, check out the Self Care Playbook, Self Care Tracker and Self Care Gift Box! You might also find some special offers on this page.


Frances Verbeek, founder of The Happi Empire
Hello lovely soul, I’m Fran!

Founder, designer & mentor

As a spiritual student, I started The Happi Empire to help others find happiness and fulfilment in their lives. I design creative tools to help you process life and align with the light.


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