This months wonderful internet treasures to bring joy & smiles to your sweet little face:
My favourite affirmation of the now moment!
Feel free to pin, share, tweet or lick 😉
The Daily Love: a man living his life by his heart
This video is half an hour of golden information from Mastin Kipp, who built his life and business guided by his feelings and heart. His attitude is SOOOO-the-happi-empire! I recommend scheduling 30mins to watch this, I resonated so strongly & got a lot out of it – you might too! 🙂
Got 5 minutes? Spend them on YOU
I loved this article – finally some really practical ideas of how to love yourself more 🙂 I love the ‘drink 2 big glasses of water’, as I suck at remembering to drink enough. Sometimes I line up 5 glasses of water on my desk, just so I remember to get enough water through out the day! Check out your fave, written by the lovely Michelle McGrath from Sacred Self.
The Highest Intent Healing Studio
This is one for Sydney-siders – a new(ish) ‘Boutique Metaphysical Healing Studio’, in Forestville, NSW. I haven’t visited yet, but it looks awesome from the website, a gorgeous modern healing/workshop space and practitioners with beautiful energy, waiting to help guide you through blocks to experience true inner happiness. Perhaps a good space for my next product launch… any one fancy coming to a gratitude party?! 😀
Anger? I? of course not…
I posted a quote on The Happi Empire Facebook page the other day:
[quote]There’s no such thing as never getting angry. Enlightenment can and does use all the available emotions. The idea that enlightenment means sitting around with a beatific smile on our faces is just an illusion. ~ Adyashanti[/quote]
It was inspired by this article, which is valuable mind food. Anger is a normal emotion. Everyone gets angry and taking the steps in this article will help you deal with anger properly, process what needs to be processed and step one moment closer to an enlightened mind. Yay!
You’re reading this for a reason: someone wants to apologise
I watched, open-mouthed, when a friend sent this to me yesterday… click the link and enter your name, you’ll marvel at the humour & intelligence of it all…Â Make me smile